Fun with Git for Windows, SSH Keys and Passphrases

Disclaimer: this post is one to file under “things I’m blogging in the hope that I find the answer more quickly next time”. Background I switched to using SSH key auth for GitHub and Azure DevOps Repos a long time ago and never looked back. For a while I was using SSH keys without passphrases but got round to adding passphrases a while back. I set up the Windows OpenSSH Authentication Agent - the service defaults to Disabled so I set it as Automatic start and nudged it to Running. [Read More]

Working With Git Rebase in Visual Studio Code

Following the git theme for mini-posts, I thought I’d give git rebase a mention this time. When I first started working with git I found a way to pretend that it was a source control system like any other that I’d used. Eventually, I was working on a pull request for an OSS project and a maintainer asked me to rebase my changes. Now, I’d heard of rebase at that point but I hadn’t used it, so I was a bit daunted. [Read More]