
Working With Multiple Kubernetes Contexts

If you’re working with Kubernetes then there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve been working with kubectl!

There’s also a pretty good chance that you end up working with more than one cluster context. So, how do you manage multiple contexts?


One way that you might have encountered is obtaining a kubeconfig file that contains the details of how to connect to a cluster. kubectl allows you to pass a --kubeconfig option to commands to specify which kubeconfig should be used to connect to a cluster to execute the command. E.g. kubectl get pods --kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig.

Repeatedly passing the --kubeconfig option can get tedious, so an alternative is to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable and kubectl will use that, e.g. export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig (bash) or $env:KUBECONFIG=c:\path\to\kubeconfig (PowerShell).

Multiple KUBECONFIGs, multiple contexts

Even better, you can specify multiple contexts in the KUBECONFIG environment variable, e.g. export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig:/path/to/another/kubeconfig. At this point, you might be wondering how to switch between the multiple contexts when you have multiple files (or indeed if you have multiple contexts defined within a single file!).

Firstly, you can find out what contexts are currently in scope by running kubectl config get-contexts:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME          CLUSTER       AUTHINFO                           NAMESPACE
          aks-dev       aks-dev       clusterUser_aks-dev_aks-dev        default
*         scale-test    scale-test    clusterUser_scale-test_scale-test  loadtest

Then you can change context using kubectl config use-context <context-name>.

Aside: to understand the rules for how kubectl merges the contexts from multiple files check out this section in the docs


Whilst the kubectl config use-context <context-name> command works, if you find yourself regularly wanting to view and change contexts then I’d highly recommend kubectx. kubectx is written in bash and is a hugely productive addition to your kubectl toolkit that lets you quickly change contexts (complete with tab completion). There is a great GIF showing it in action on the GitHub project page.

As a bonus the repo also includes kubens which makes switching namespaces just as easy!

Merging contexts

Another handy trick that I only discovered recently is merging multiple configs into a single file. For clusters that I expect to continue working with for a while I’ve found this useful to merge kubeconfig files into the main ~/.kube/config file so that I don’t have to keep setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

To do this I’ve used the following:

cp ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config.bak && \
    KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig:~/.kube/config.bak \
    kubectl config view --flatten > ~/.kube/config

This command takes a backup of the original config and then sets up the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to a new kubeconfig file as well as the one in my user folder. Then it executes kubectl config view --flatten to output the resulting merged config and redirects it to the default kubeconfig. For temporary clusters I don’t necessarily bother with this as it bloats my kubeconfig file, but for slightly more durable clusters it has proved very convenient!